How the President’s Powers Affects the IBEW
How the President's Powers Affects the IBEW from IBEW on Vimeo.
IBEW Project Labor Agreements help everyone on Vimeo.
IBEW Endorses Biden for President
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Vote Smart's mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans. Citizens come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy.
Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. Our core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.
We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.
We believe that American government should be “of the people, by the people, and for the people” and that an informed electorate is essential for a thriving democracy. We therefore seek to inform and educate voters by producing and posting comprehensive non-partisan voter information covering national and state elections and some local elections.
League of Woman Voters
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.